Nail Brush


The perfect vegan nail brush designed for clean and well-groomed nails. Crafted from FSC certified beech wood, it features medium-strength sisal plant fiber bristles that work effectively whether used wet or dry. A versatile tool catering to various needs, from tradies to outdoor enthusiasts, this nail brush ensures your nails are spotless. 

Nail Brush Care Tips: Shake off any excess water after use and let your brush air dry in a dry place. Periodic exposure to sunlight is recommended for optimal hygiene.

Nail Brush Benefits:

  • Efficiently removes dirt and bacteria, promoting the cleanliness and grooming of your hands.
  • The gentle exfoliation provided by sisal fibres leaves your skin feeling smooth and vibrant.
  • Crafted from biodegradable and FSC certified beech wood, making an eco-friendly choice. 
  • Vegan and plastic-free sisal bristles, this nail brush resonates with your values while keeping your nails in impeccable condition.


What does FSC Certified mean? 
This means, that the Beech wood Timber used in these Natural Dish Brushes ensures that the Beechwood comes from responsibly managed forests that provide enviromental, social and economic benefits.
FSC stands from Forest Stewardship Council. It is an independent, non-governmental and nonprofit organisation that was set up in 1993, in the endeavour to promote and mange responsbile forests around the world.  Sourcing and buying woods with this certification, ensures the wood used to produce the product is guaranteed to come from sustainably managed forests based on socal, economic and environmental criteria’s.